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Gil in Final Fantasy XIV

FFXIV offers players many ways to earn and spend Gil, some more beneficial than others. Questing is the primary way of earning Gil, yet this process takes too long to reach end-game content and players look for additional methods of Gil production.

  1. Crafting

Crafting items in Final Fantasy XIV is one of the best ways to earn Gil, while players can also acquire more by completing quests, guildleves and dungeons. Crafted items can even be sold on the Market Board for decent amounts of Gil.

Dependent upon their profession, players can also earn significant gil from gathering. This is especially beneficial at the start of a new patch when materials collected are more costly.

Another popular way to make gil is through melding materia, though this process takes more time and battle materia than other methods. When new raid tiers come out, raiders often go through large quantities of this battle material quickly. Players can also buy various items, glamor and minions at shops and the market board to increase their earnings further.

  1. Dungeons

Gil is one of the most sought after currencies in MMORPGs, and cheap ffxiv gil is no different - players have numerous opportunities to acquire it through quests, guildleves, FATEs and Duties; killing monsters for rewards or selling items they have created can also earn players Gil.

Dungeons are one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn gil, providing valuable loot that you can sell off to vendors at the Great Cities. Dungeons also serve as an effective means of leveling up characters; there is an assortment of simple to challenging dungeons available in this game that offer various levels of difficulty that provide plenty of loot that sells well on the market.

  1. Beast Tribe Quests

Final Fantasy XIV offers various methods of earning Gil, such as questing and dungeon exploration. Players may also gain Gil by selling items on the Market Board or purchasing them with Tomestones to then resell later for profit; though this strategy requires greater finesse than simply purchasing items from NPCs!

Players can earn Gil by undertaking Beast Tribe Quests. Each tribe's quests offer its own currency that can be used to buy items from vendors and increase a character's standing with a tribe, increasing chances of rare rewards and making progress more efficient overall.

Once a character has achieved the highest rank in a Beast Tribe, they can take part in allied tribe quests with special rewards for that tribe. Completing such quests will earn players plenty of Gil, Tomestones and Ventures!




  1. Retainer Ventures

Once players reach level 17 in the main Scenario Quest and assign a retainer, they can send him or her on what are known as "Ventures," expedition missions that reward retainers with experience levels and Gil.

These missions cost Ventures, an exclusive currency available only through Grand Company vendors and Beastmen Tribe vendors, or earned through completion of certain guildleves and Beast Tribe quests.

Ventures may consist of either exploration, which allows a retainer to acquire items at random, or quick exploration, whereby players send the retainer directly to an hour-long location. Leveling boosts are available through Mog Station; players can also sell any items their retainer collects via Market Board.

  1. Player Housing

As in other MMORPGs, Gil is the primary in-game currency in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn that you can spend on nearly everything within the game. There are numerous ways you can acquire Gil in-game; killing monsters or completing quests will net it to you quickly as will entering dungeons for raiding sessions.

Players can gain Gil by offering raw materials, ore, furniture, concoctions and other goods for sale via Retainer Ventures - an in-game trading system which enables players to offer goods for sale to other players in-game.

Many players turn to buying FFXIV Gil in order to speed up the game and focus on its end-game content more easily and enjoyably. This practice should not be seen as cheating; rather, it simply provides more enjoyable play experiences for those who wish to bypass tedious grinding sessions and focus on more enjoyable content instead.



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